Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 6/6/24

Year: 2024


Izmir Journal of Economics is a multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, international and double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal published quarterly online within the body of Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

The main objective of the journal is to publish quality academic studies in the area of economics, econometrics, business, business economics, business analytics and business intelligence, tax applications and financial economics, public administration and international politics, that are based on empirical and/or theoretical research, comparative studies and case studies.

The journal prioritizes interdisciplinary, comparative and applied publications that address regional, national and international issues and problems. Manuscripts are evaluated for journal scope suitability upon submission. Out of scope manuscripts might be considered for publication depending on the field/discipline and overall suitability with a journal. The final decision rests with the Editor.

The publication language of articles published within the journal are Turkish, English and French.



1. Legal responsibilities of the articles published in Izmir Journal of Economics belongs to the authors.
2. Articles published in this journal can be cited by referencing the source.
3. Published articles cannot be removed from publication for any reason other than legal necessity. Authors cannot request the removal of their published articles without a court decision.
4. Authors wishing to submit to the journal should first signup with the TÜBİTAK DERGİPARK SYSTEM (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/). The language of the submission screen can be adjusted to English (at the top right corner of the screen). Manuscripts to be published must be submitted in WORD (.docx or .doc) file format via the Dergipark system and sent from the interactive environment (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/2960/submission/step/manuscript/new). Our journal is not responsible for files that are lost and/or destroyed before publication. During the publication process, the data in the DERGİPARK system is taken as a basis.
5. All author names should be clearly listed on the first submission page of the Dergipark System. Changes to author names should not be made or requested after first submission.
6. Manuscripts to be sent to our journal can be in either Turkish, English or French.
7. Only manuscripts that have not been published or are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere can be sent to the journal.
8. Submitted manuscripts cannot be withdrawn or requested to be withdrawn except for a legal obligation and/or an obligation acceptable to the editorial board.
9. Articles should not exceed 20 pages, including the abstract and bibliography.
10. The main manuscript title and abstract should be in the native language of the article. Manuscripts that are in English should also include the Turkish version of their title. Turkish manuscripts on the other hand must also submit the English version of their title. Manuscripts that are in French should submit both the English and Turkish titles for paper.
11. Scientific research, writing rules and principles should be taken as basis for manuscript preparation.
12. Before sending your file, a personal information check (in Microsoft Word format files) should be conducted. All information pertaining to the identity of the author/authors must be deleted from the file. To do this, please perform these actions in the following order from the menu;

File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document > Document Inspector > Inspect > Document Properties and Personal Information > Remove All > Close > Save.
This stuff is imperative in order to ensure that the document is prepared for blind-review.


Submission of articles to the journal can only be done through DergiPark. Articles sent to the journal's e-mail address or to the editorial board will not be considered. Authors interested in submitting a paper should follow the manuscript guidelines provided below.

1. Extended Abstract (Extended English Abstract): The last page of the articles written in Turkish and French should have an Extended English Abstract consisting of 700 to 1000 words "containing the introduction, method, findings and discussion sections". Extended English Abstracts are not required for full-text studies in English.
2. Plagiarism Program Report: You should review the explanations regarding the plagiarism report and the rules to be followed at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ije/page/13599  and apply the specified procedures.
3. Copyright Transfer Form: To download the form and see other documents and forms, visit the page at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ije/page/13760  .
4. Ethics committee approval should be uploaded to the system alongside manuscripts that conducted methods that require ethics committee approval*.

4a) Ethics Consent Form: If ethics committee approval is not required, fill out the Ethics Consent Form and upload it to the system. To download the form and see other documents and forms, visit the page at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ije/page/13760 .

6. Author Contribution and Conflict of Interest Form: After completing and signing the form containing the contributions of the authors to the article and their declarations of conflict of interest, upload it to the system. To access the forms, visit the page at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ije/page/13760  .

* TR-DIZIN has added some subjects about ethical rules to the criteria for 2020. For this reason, you should review our pages on Publication Ethics, Research Ethics and Obtaining Legal/Special Ethics Committee Permission Certificate regarding our ethical policies.

Article Template Files

Our journal (Template-free Journal) does not require authors to comply with the journal article template file in terms of format during the first submission and article evaluation stages. Submissions can be made with any article layout, provided that it is A4 size and complies with our titling and citation rules (APA) in references and in-text. If the articles are accepted for publication at the end of the evaluation process, the authors will be requested to adapt the article file to the Journal article template. To access Turkish, English and French article draft files, please visit the "Forms and Documents" page of our Journal at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ije/page/13760

Naming the File

  • When naming the file you will upload to the system, you should be careful not to use spaces and punctuation marks, and the name should not be too long.
  • You should not name the submitted article file in a way that would suggest your name.
  • All responsibility for non-compliance with the rules stated in this announcement belongs to the author(s). The Journal Publication Commission reserves the right not to publish the relevant article, regardless of the referee evaluation report.

You should edit your article according to the draft article format, taking into account the warnings in the "Author Names" section before submission. We recommend that you use the draft article format to comply with the spelling rules specified below.

Author Names

  • Author(s) names and institutional identification should not be included in the blind-review version of the manuscript.
  • If the manuscript was previously presented at a congress or symposium, information pertaining to this should not be included in the blind-review version of the manuscript and should instead submitted to the editor in the dergipark notes section. This information will be re-added upon acceptance of the paper.

To access Turkish, English and French article draft files, please visit the "Forms and Documents" page of our Journal at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ije/page/13760

General view

  • Header first page will be in draft article format,
  • For the main part of the article, a single-column structure should be chosen from the first title,
  • Headings should be numbered.
  • The page numbers should be given,
  • Tables and figures should fit on the page and be legible,
  • The bibliography should support the integrity of the article, should be cited in the text, and should be prepared in accordance with the rules given below.

Page structure
Top:3cm, bottom:2cm, left:1.5cm, right:1.5cm, header:1cm, footer:1cm

The font “Cambria” will be used throughout the article. The texts should be written in Cambria, 12 point, normal, justified on both sides.

Article title
The first letters are uppercase, the following letters are lowercase (14nk-bold-middle-before:18-after:18-line spacing: odd)

Native Language Öz & Abstract-Text

“Öz” in Turkish, “Abstract” in English (10nk- bold-italic-middle- before:0- after:0 – line spacing: single).
Abstract titles should be bold and centered.

Native Language Abstract-Text
The abstract should be a maximum of 200 words (10nk- italic - justify- before:0- after:6- line spacing: single)
Turkish and English abstracts should be included for manuscripts with the main text in Turkish, French and English abstracts for manuscripts with the main text in French, and English and Turkish abstracts for manuscripts with the main text in English.
The abstract should be written in Cambria 10 pt and italic, justified.

Native Language Keywords
“Anahtar Kelime” in Turkish, “Keywords” in English. Initial letters are uppercase, maximum three, if necessary, all abbreviations are capitalized (10nk- italic - before:0- after:0- line spacing: single)

Native Jel Code
At least three (10nk- italics - justify- before:0- after:0- line spacing: odd)  https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel

Other Language Article Title
The first letters are uppercase, the following letters are lowercase (12nk-bold-italic-middle-before:6-after:6-line spacing: single)

Other Language Summary Title
“Öz” in Turkish, “Abstract” in English (10nk- bold-italic-middle- before:0- after:0 – line spacing: single)

Other Language Abstract Text
The abstract should be a maximum of 200 words and should match with the native language summary text (10nk- italic - justify- before:0- after:6- line spacing: single)

Other Language Keywords
“Anahtar Kelime” in Turkish, “Keywords” in English, Initial letters are capitalized, at least three, if necessary, all abbreviations are capitalized (10nk- italic - before:0- after:0- line spacing: single)

Other Language Jel Code
At least three (10nk- italics - before:0- after:0- line spacing: odd) https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel

Text Titles
Headings and subheadings should be short and clear. Starting from the introduction, including the conclusion, the headings should be numbered.
Beginning with 1., all letters are uppercase (12nk-bold-center- before:6- after:6- line spacing: single)
1.1. Titles beginning with or lower-level titles have uppercase letters, the following should be lowercase (12nk-left-aligned - before:6- after:6- line spacing: odd)

Paragraphs start should not be used. (12nk-justify- before:6nk- after:6nk- line spacing: odd)

Formulas and equations must be written with an equation editor. All equations should be given a sequence number. Formulas and equations should be written left justified.
The sequence number must be in parentheses and at the far right of the line, aligned with other equation numbers. (12nk - before:6nk- after:6nk- line spacing: odd)

Table and Figure Title
The title should be above the table or figure, first letters should be capitalized while the following letters should be written in lower case. All tables and figures should be numbered.
All graphics, maps and photographs (with the exception of tables) should be named as figures (12nk-left-justified- before:6- after:0-line spacing: single).

Tables should be placed in one piece, on a single page. For tables that do not fit on a single page (that are split into two sections), the comment lines (i.e. the first line) should be recreated to ensure the readability of the table. In addition, the text size can be reduced if necessary. (12nk (can be smaller)-before:0- after:0- line spacing: odd)

Table and Figure Reference Text

If there is a Table and Figure Reference Text, it should be written under the table and figure. (11nk-aligned with table and figure-before:3pt- after:6pt- line spacing: single)

References should be cited in parentheses within the text, not footnotes. Explanatory notes should be indicated as footnotes at the bottom of the page. The order of references in the text should be as follows:

The surname of the author(s), the year of the source, and the page numbers if quoted from a particular page. If the main language of the manuscript is Turkish, “KAYNAKÇA” should be used, if the main language of the article is in English, “REFERENCES”, if the main language of the article is in French, the word “BIBLIOGRAPHIE” should be used (12nk-dark-centred- before: 6- after:6- line spacing: single).


Author Names
When there is more than one author, the names must be written side by side, a comma will be used to separate the names. The first letter of the name should be capitalized, the others should be lowercase. All letters of the surname should be capitalized (12nk - bold - middle - before:0 - after:6 - line spacing: single)

Citation Proposal (APA)
Article information should be written in APA format (page information will be written by the editorial). (10nk- before:0- after:0- line spacing: odd)

If the manuscript was presented as a paper and/or produced from a thesis, this should be indicated using the footnote sign “*” at the end of the manuscript title (10nk- before:0- after:0- line spacing: single)

Footnote Information
Author information should be provided by numbering the names in the order of the author. Title, institution information, e-mail address and ORCID number should be written (10nk- before:0 - after:0- line spacing: single)

All letters should be capitalized, author's first letter and author surname (A. Surname - A. Surname) (12nk - italic - middle - before:0 - after:0 -line spacing: single)
Journal name and volume-issue information (12nk - italic - middle - before:0 - after:0-line spacing: single)

İzmir İktisat Dergisi / Izmir Journal of Economics
Yıl/Year: 2022 Cilt/Vol:37 Sayı/No:1 Doi: 10.24988/ije.XXXXX


Journal Articles
Printed Journal Article: Single author
[Citation in the text: (Şentürk, 2009: 45)]
• Şentürk, R. (2009). Açık medeniyet ve sosyal içerme. Muhafazakar Düşünce, 6(21-22), 41-49.

Printed Journal Article: Two authors
[Citation in the text : (Tonta ve Ünal, 2005: 88)]
• Tonta, Y. ve Ünal, Y. (2005). Scatter of journals and literature obsolescence ref¬lected in document delivery requests. Journal of the American Society for In¬formation Science & Technology, 56(1), 84-94.

Printed Journal Article: 3-6 authors
[Citation in the text : First cite:: (Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, Harlow, ve Bach, 1993: 1120);Following cites: (Kernis ve diğerleri, 1993: 1130)]
• Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., Harlow, T. ve Bach, J. S. (1993). There’s more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.

Printed Journal Article: More than 6 authors
[Citation in the text : (Lakic ve diğerleri, 2012: 3)]
• Lakic, B., Arık, M., Aune, S., Barth, K. L., Belov, A. S., Borghi, S. … Zioutas, K. (2012). Status and perspectives of the CAST experiment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 375(2), 1-4. https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/375/1/022001

Electronic journal article: with DOI number
[Citation in the text : (Koç, 2002: 260)]
• Koç, E. (2002). The impact of gender in marketing communications: The role of cognitive and affective cues. Journal of Marketing Communications, 8(4), 257-275. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13527260210145993

Electronic journal article: without DOI number (free access from the Internet)
[Citation in the text : First cite: (Aygören, Yeşilyurt, Güloğlu, Küçükkaplan, 2015: 208) ; following cites: (Aygören ve diğerleri, 2015: 208)]
• Aygören, H., Yeşilyurt, M., Güloğlu, B. ve Küçükkaplan, İ. (2015). Türk bankacılık sektöründe hisse senedi performansı ve etkinlik arasındaki ilişki. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 16(2), 203-215. Erişim adresi https://journal.dogus.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/duj/article/view/914

Electronic journal article: preprint
[Citation in the text : (Koç ve Altınay, 2007)]
• Koç, E. ve Altınay, G. (2007). An analysis of seasonality in monthly per person tourist spending in Turkish inbound tourism from a market segmentation perspective. Tourism Management. Elektronik ön baskı. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2006.01.003

Electronic journal article: Institutional archive
[Citation in the text : (Müslümov, in press)]
• Müslümov, A. (baskıda). Merger announcements and market efficiency: Do markets predict synergetic gains from mergers properly?. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi. Erişim adresi https://hdl.handle.net/11376/1290

Article submitted to the journal for publication
[Citation in the text : Kurt ve Zehir, 2016)]
• Kurt, A. ve Zehir, C. (2016). The relationship between cost leadership strategy, total quality management applications and financial performance. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi. Makale yayımlanmak üzere sunulmuştur.

Books and eBooks
Book: Single author
[Citation in the text : (Şentürk, 2014: 175)]
• Şentürk, R. (2014). Açık medeniyet: Çok medeniyetli toplum ve dünyaya doğru. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık.

Book: Two authors
[Citation in the text : (Page ve Stritzke, 2015: 88)]
• Page, A. C. ve Stritzke, W. G. K. (2015). Clinical psychology for trainees: Foundations of science-informed practice (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book: Three authors
[Citation in the text : First cite: (Ranzijn, McConnochie ve Nolan, 2009: 66); following cites: (Ranzijn ve diğerleri, 2009: 66)]
• Ranzijn, R., McConnochie, K. ve Nolan, W. (2009). Psychology and indigenous Australians: Foundations of cultural competence. South Yarra, Vic: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book: More than 4 authors
[Citation in the text : (Wolfe ve diğerleri, 2015: 120)]
• Wolfe, J. M., Kluender, K. R., Dennis, L. M., Bartoshuk, L. M., Herz, R. S., Lederman, S. J. ve Merfeld, D. M. (2015). Sensation & perception (4th ed.). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.

Book: Different printing
[Citation in the text : (Passer ve Smith, 2015: 77)]
• Passer, M. W. ve Smith, R. E. (2015). Psychology: The science of mind and behaviour (2nd ed.). North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill Education.

Book: Without Author
[Citation in the text : (The Australian Oxford dictionary, 1999: 50)]
• The Australian Oxford dictionary (3rd ed.). (1999). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Book: With a Single Editor
[Citation in the text : (Hallinan, 2006: 36)]
• Hallinan, M. T. (Ed.). (2006). Handbook of the sociology of education. New York: Springer.

Book: With Two or more editors
[Citation in the text : (Day ve Antonakis, 2012: 63)]
• Day, D. V. ve Antonakis, J. (Ed.). (2012). The nature of leadership (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Book: Authored by the institution
[Citation in the text : (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2000: 92)]
• Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2000). Population by age and sex, New South Wales, 30 June 2000 (ABS Cat. no. 3235.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Yazar.

Book: Chapter (e.g. article) in the edited book
[Citation in the text : (Groundwater-Smith, 2007: 135)]
• Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). As rain is to fields, so good teachers are to students. S. Knipe (Ed.), Middle years schooling: Reframing adolescence içinde (151-170. ss.). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia.

Book: Translation
[Citation in the text : (Rowley, 1996: 150)]
• Rowley, J. (1996). Bilginin düzenlenmesi: Bilgi erişime giriş. (Çev. S. Karakaş, H. Ü. Can, A. Yıldızeli, B. Kayıran). Ankara: Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği. (Orijinal yayın tarihi, 1992)

eBook: The entire book
[Citation in the text : (Chisum, 2006: 77)]
• Chisum, W. J. (2006). Crime reconstruction [Adobe Digital Editions]. Erişim adresi Ebook Library.

eBook: Chapter from a database
[Citation in the text : (Mitchell, 1913: 88)]
• Mitchell, H. W. (1913). Alcoholism and the alcoholic psychoses. W. A. White ve S. E. Jelliffe (Ed.), The modern treatment of nervous and mental diseases içinde (Cilt 1, 287-330. ss.). Erişim adresi PsycBOOKS.

Book: Different study by the same author in the same year
[Citation in the text : (Glenn ve Johnson, 1964a: 90); (Glenn ve Johnson, 1964b: 90)]
• Glenn, W. H. ve Johnson, D. A. (1964a). Calculating devices. London: John Murray.
• Glenn, W. H. ve Johnson, D. A. (1964b). Graphs. London: Murray.

Book Chapter
Printed book chapter
[Citation in the text : Onan ve Sennaroğlu, 2009: 69)]
• Onan, K., Sennaroğlu, B. (2009). Comparative study of production control systems through simulation. N. Mastorakis, J. Sakellaris (Ed.), Advances in Numerical Methods içinde (67-78. ss.). New York; London: Springer. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-76483-2_6

Dictionary / Encyclopedia Articles
Reference book article
[Citation in the text : (Keyormarsi, O’Leary ve Pardee, 2007: 200)]
• Keyormarsi, K., O’Leary, N. ve Pardee, A. B. (2007). Cell division. McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology içinde (9. bs., Cilt 3, 618-621. ss.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

eReference book article
[Citation in the text : (Keyormarsi, O’Leary & Pardee, 2014: 200)]
• Pegrum, M. (2009). Keyormarsi, K., & Pardee, A. B. (2014). Cell division.McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technologyiçinde. Erişim adresi AccessScience.

Web Resources
Web Page
[Citation in the text : ((İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2017)]
• İbn Haldun Üniversitesi İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. (2017). Yazar rehberi. Erişim adresi https://journal.ihu.edu.tr/index.php/ihu1/about/submissions

Web page: no author
[Citation in the text : (“All 33 Chile Miners,” 2010)]
• All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, 13 Ekim). Erişim adresi https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-recommendations

Web page: Undated
[Citation in the text : (Şentürk, t.y.)]
• Şentük, R. (t.y.). Rektörün Mesajı. Erişim adresi https://www.ihu.edu.tr/hakkimizda/rektorun-mesaji/

Web page: Author and undated: With citation
[Citation in the text : (“Heuristic,” t.y., par. 1) Numaralı değilse paragrafları sayın]
• Heuristic. (t.y.). Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.) içinde. Erişim adresi https://www.m-w.com/dictionary/heuristic

Press release
[Citation in the text : (TÜİK, 2016)]
• TÜİK (2016, Kasım). İşgücü İstatistikleri [Basın bülteni]. Erişim adresi https://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=24624

Discussion forum
[Citation in the text : (Malissa, 2008)]
• Malissa, A. (2008, October 2). Re: Egypt planning DNA test on 3,500 year old mummy
• [Elektronik forum yorumu]. Erişim adresi https://www.topix.com/science/anthropology/2008/05/egypt-planning-dna-test-for-3-500-year-old-mummy

[Citation in the text (Çelik, 2011)]
• Çelik, S. (2011, 21 Aralık). Dergilerin indekslenmesi ve etki faktörü (impact factor). [Web günlük postası] Erişim adresi https://www.sonmezcelik.net/2011/12/dergilerin-indekslenmesi-ve-etki.html

Electronic message list
[Citation in the text : (Anderson, 2005)]
• Anderson, O. (2005, June 2). Re: Psychology of terrorism [Electronic mailing list message]. Erişim adresi https://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/theory-frankfurt-school/2005w22/msg00000.htm

Lecture notes
Lecture notes
[Citation in the text : Saito, (2012)]
• Saito, T. (2012). Technology and me: A personal timeline of educational technology [Powerpoint slides]. Erişim adresi https://www.slideshare.net/Bclari25/educational-technology-ppt

Unpublished thesis
[Citation in the text : (Çetinkaya, 201: 1885)]
• Çetinkaya, Ş. (2015). Stochastic mortality using non – life methods. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Doğuş Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul
• Çelik, S. (1999). Üniversite kütüphanelerinde personel yönetimi ve Türkiye’de durum. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kütüphanecilik Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul.

Published thesis
[Citation in the text : (May, 2007: 67)]
• May, B. (2007). A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Bristol, UK: Canopus Publishing.

Electronic thesis: Archived in an electronic database
[Citation in the text : (Rich, 1989: 55)]
• Rich, P. D. (1989). The rule of ritual in the Arabian Gulf, 1858-1947: The influence of English public schools (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi ProQuest Dissertations and Theses – UK & Ireland. (AAT 8918197)

Electronic thesis: Archived in the institutional archive
[Citation in the text : (Bilir, 2014: 43)]
• Bilir, C. (2014). Supply chain network optimization model incorporating competitive facility location problems. (Doktora tezi, Dogus Üniversitesi, İstanbul). Erişim adresi https://hdl.handle.net/11376/1039

Conference Proceedings
Paper in the printed conference book
[Citation in the text : (Game, 2001: 350)]
• Game, A. (2001). Creative ways of being. J. R. Morss, N. Stephenson ve J. F. H. V. Rappard (Ed.), Theoretical issues in psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference içinde (3-12. ss.). Sydney: Springer.

Paper in the printed conference book: No editor

[Citation in the text : (Doğdaş ve Akyokuş, 2013: 3)]
• Doğdaş, T. ve Akyokuş, S. (2013). Document clustering using GIS visualizing and EM clustering method. 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA) içinde (1-4. ss.). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/INISTA.2013.6577647

Paper in electronic conference book: Electronic database
[Citation in the text : (Balakrishnan, 2006)]
• Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March). Why aren’t we using 3D user interfaces, and will we ever? Paper presented at the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces. https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/vr.2006.148

Unpublished conference paper
[Citation in the text : (Santhanam, Martin, Goody ve Hicks, 2001: 259)]
• Santhanam, E., Martin, K., Goody, A. ve Hicks, O. (2001). Bottom-up steps towards closing the loop in feedback on teaching: A CUTSD project. Paper presented at Teaching and Learning Forum – Expanding horizons in teaching and learning, Perth, Australia, 7-9 February 2001.

Official reports
[Citation in the text : (Akbaytürk ve diğerleri, 2014: 40)]
• Akbaytürk Çanak, T., Çelik, S., Çetinkaya, İ., Çukadar, S., Güneş, G., Gürdal, G. … Kaygusuz, A. (2014). 2023’e doğru Türkiye’de üniversite kütüphaneleri: Mevcut durum, sorunlar, standartlar ve çözüm önerileri. Ankara: Yükseköğretim Kurulu. Erişim adresi https://yok.gov.tr/web/ukr

[Citation in the text : (Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TÜİK], 2012: 67); Takip eden atıf: (TÜİK, 2012: 67)]
• Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2012). Faaliyet raporu: 2011 mali yılı. Erişim adresi https://www.tuik.gov.tr/jsp/duyuru/upload/FR-2011.pdf

Unofficial report
[Citation in the text : (Kendall, 2011: 99)]
• Kendall, C. (2011). Report on psychological distress and depression in the legal profession: Prepared for the Council of the Law Society of Western Australia. Erişim adresi https://www.mhlcwa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Psychological-distress-depression-in-the-legal-profession-16-May-2011.pdf

Standards and Patents
Printed standart
[Citation in the text : (Standards Australia/New Zealand Standard, 1994)]
• Standards Australia. (1994). Information Processing – Text and office systems – Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange format: Part 10: Formal Specifications (AS/NZS 3951.10:1994). Homebush, NSW: Standards Australia.

Electronic standard: Electronic database

[Citation in the text : (Standards Australia, 2008)]
• Standards Australia. (2008). Personal flotation devices – General requirements (AS 4758.1-2008). Erişim adresi Standards Online.

[Citation in the text : (U.S. Patent No. 5,641,424.7, 1996)]
• Hornak, P. (1996). Resonator for magnetic resonance imaging of the ankle. U.S. Patent No. 5,641,424.7.

Electronic patent: Electronic database
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